First, we can walk in the woods. Temperatures in the shaded valley along the creek are usually 10 degrees cooler than in the sun on pavement. Walking the dogs is good therapy - for aerobic benefits and to stay a little cooler.
Water helps keep cool. Gabby immediately heads for the water if it's around. She is usually the first to dunk herself in the creek. Or, she steps into the water-filled black tub (I believe it is a livestock watering trough)and lays down.
Our grandkids visited recently. The slippery slide was a hit. It is a plastic sheet with water inlets along the side to wet the slide and the participants. It cools and helps dissipate excess energy, don't you know.
We rented a pontoon for a cruise on the Ohio and Muskingum rivers. It's very relaxing and enjoyable to be out on the water. It lifts the spirits as you can see in the photo.
Or, you can simply dial back the activity level, stay in where it's cool, and take life easy. Zoey, the puppy in the background, has the ultimate relaxation response.
Sometimes staying cool is a state of mind in Bittersweet Woods. An enjoyable outdoor activity - like golf if you are playing well - causes you not notice the heat as much. And listening to good music - such as streaming internet radio really keeps you cool and relaxed. Try it.