Osage trees produce an inedible orange sized fruit in late summer and fall. They are called osage oranges or hedge apples. Squirrels like to pick them apart for the seeds and thereby reproducing the trees.
A part of Bittersweet Woods was a farm 50 years ago. There are several groups of osage trees in the woods which no doubt served as cattle fences. One incredible group of three large trees behind the house continue to grow despite being uprooted decades ago. The osage trees grow despite laying on the ground. Every year they project new large thorny branches up in the air, waiting to snatch our caps and snag our clothes as we mow the yard. The osage oranges begin dropping in August. Dozens of them roll down the hill into the back yard. Gabbie and Tess love to play with the oranges.
What amazes me is the hardiness of these trees. They grow no matter what. The wood is excellent firewood, burning slow and white hot, almost like coal. Osage wood is a bright yellow color. Cutting the wood produces bright yellow sawdust, cascading like gold dust over the ground and boots. The grain is so tough that it causes the cutting chain on a chainsaw to rub against the bar, generating occasional sparks.
I'd love to have more of this firewood. But the tree is so hardy, there are few opportunities to find dead or downed wood.
Osage is one of the unexpected curiosities that we discovered when we moved to Bittersweet Woods. It is with us all the time; I admire the tree for its hardiness. And every time we see an osage orange, it reminds us fondly of every dog we have owned since living here. They love to play with the oranges.
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